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Learning Management System


Our automated and highly intuitive LMS, dramatically reduces administrative needs and enhances eLearning effectiveness. Features include: automatic assignment of courses based on job description, email notifications to supervisors and learners, automatic prompts to keep learners on schedule, and forecasts of training needs for workers and supervisors. Administrator dashboard provides real time “Outstanding Tasks” overview.



Client-Generated Training Outcomes: 

This allows you to input information from other sources for tracking and renewal notification. Sources can include other training suppliers, permits, professional designation and licenses. Schedule, input and manage classroom training and outcomes.


Course Enrichment:

Policies and procedures can be attached as supplementary information to a course or distributed automatically based on the job description. They can be made mandatory reading followed by an electronic signature of a read document with a next-read cycle supported by e-notifications and e-reminders.


Policies Distribution Module:

Any other policies and procedures can be uploaded and published as part of a reference library of company documents accessible at will by employees. Automated document updates and expiry notifications.


Policies Templates Library:

In addition to using your existing policies, you can access our policy templates library and retrieve a host of HR and H&S policy templates and guideline to formulate new or updated policies and upload them into your policy distribution module.

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Human Capital Management


InFuseHR is designed specifically for small and medium sized operations who only have a payroll system and no HRIS and provides all the essential tools and strategies to create complete employee personnel profiles. With InFuseHR, there is no longer the need to have paper files for each employee and different files for benefits, vacations, education, skills and personal data. Everything is now captured right on your InFuse platform, secure, available and with real time accuracy.



Full Employee Profile: 

Personal information, benefit and pension plan participation, prior employment history, education, trade and skills acquired, languages spoken and written. Job transition and movement can also be recorded. E-files for personal documents including reprimands, progressive discipline and corrective actions.


Policy and SOP:

Distribution triggered by matrix and employee Job with full reading tracking and sign off requirements. Automated notifications, reminders of documents not read or due for re-reading.



Job Board posting with interactive online application, searches and short listing of applicants and employees based on experience, education, language, skills and preferences. Easy attachment of selected person to work force by confirmation of employment. The openings can be posted on an outside Job Board.


Absences Management:

Recording of absences and vacations tabulated according to Company Policy. Allows personal schedule accessibility by employees from their own employee profile

Environment, Health & Safety


Our Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) System records and tracks all activities related to Accident/Incident, Inspections and Hazard identifications. 

Mobility-friendly EHS Program

Vertically integrated mobility-friendly module to stay on top of critical EHS tasks and measures

Modules supported by client designed tables 



Accidents/Incidents investigations 

  • Accident frequency tracking

  • RTW /Returns to work and medical visits tracking 

  • Immediate Corrective measures recorded and communicated

  • Automated reminders of outstanding corrective measures

  • Witness statements with signature

  • Documentation and pictures

  • Associated inspection and Root Cause Analysis


Inspection and Hazard identifications and PPE

Based on client designed checklists templates

  • Inspections, Hazard identifications. PPE assessments, JH&S, Tool box and Tailgate meetings minutes and attendances with printout

  • Preventive Maintenance and corrective measures communication, recording and tracking

  • Automated reminders of outstanding tasks

  • Recording of signed employees’ comments 

  • Hosting of related correspondence, documents, voiced comments and pictures 

  • PPE write-ups with recipients‘ signature or voice comments


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The combination of our available Courses and the above Solutions provide any organization with a complete set of assets to choose from and achieve their Occupational Health & Safety mandate.

InFuseHR is fully integrated in with your InFuse ONLINE System and included with your InFuse subscription. There is no additional charge.

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